Volunteering at CaritasAs a volunteer at Caritas , you gain experience that can lead to a job.
Volunteering is a great way to get to know and be included in Norwegian society. And for some, it can be a stepping stone into working life. That's why we make it possible for our volunteers to use their skills. In addition to gaining real work experience, volunteers have the opportunity to take part in our skills development courses. We also help them to build their CV and act as a reference for future jobs.
My work experience as a volunteer was very relevant when I got the job as a consultant in the Norwegian Tax Administration. Many of the tasks were very similar.
Linda porcellini, former volunteer
As a volunteer, you will receive training in what the role entails and have the opportunity to choose different areas in which you want to contribute. Be it in the counseling service for immigrants, Ukrainian counseling service, language café in English and Norwegian, health lectures and health services, women's groups or the counseling service for au pairs.
In 2022, 338 volunteers contributed to Caritas Ressurssenter. Most of them have an immigrant background. An important task is to guide newly arrived and more established immigrants in various matters.