Welcome to the Resource Center!

Are you new to Norway?
We give you tips and advice that can be useful.

Guidance at Caritas Resource Center

At the Resource Center for Immigrants, we offer free guidance - often in your own native language.

Due to holidays, the center and Ukrainian guidance are closed between 3 - 23 July.

Follow us on Instagram to get updated information about activities this summer.

Where are we located?

The resource center is located in central Oslo (Hammersborg Torg 3 - ground floor) and is open Monday to Thursday from 10.00 - 16.00.
You can also reach us by phone 23 33 43 61 or by sending an inquiry via the contact form. Due to holidays, no inquiries will be answered between July 3 - 23.

Ukrainian counseling service

At the center we also have a Ukrainian counseling service. If you do not have the opportunity to visit, they can be contacted on WhatsApp +47 314 02 300.

Read more about what we can offer here:

Frequently asked questions

Our courses


Local resource centers

If you are located somewhere in Norway other than Oslo, you can also visit one of our local resource centers.

They offer guidance, courses and various activities for immigrants. Read more on their website.