Ethics and anti-corruption
Transparency, accountability
and zero tolerance
for corruption are fundamental
principles in our work.
Fellesnevneren for alt arbeid Caritas gjør – nasjonalt og internasjonalt – er at vi hjelper sårbare mennesker som lever i fattigdom og andre krevende situasjoner. Derfor jobber vi kontinuerlig med å forebygge forhold som bidrar til korrupsjon, brudd på menneskerettigheter, trakassering, diskriminering og lignende.
Etisk bevissthet og høy faglig kvalitet er kjernen i vårt virke. For at alle de vi hjelper, våre samarbeidspartnere, frivillige og givere skal fortsette å stole på oss er det avgjørende at organisasjonens troverdighet opprettholdes.
Caritas Norge er aktivt med i den verdensomspennende Caritas-konføderasjonen og til sammen er vi verdens nest største humanitære nettverk. Som en del av Caritas Internationalis følger vi felles etiske standarder. De viktigste for Caritas Norge er:
- Caritas Internationalis - Code of Ethics & Code of Conduct for Staff
- Caritas Internationalis Management Standards
- Caritas Internationalis - Complaints Handling Mechanism Policy and Procedure
- Caritas Internationalis - Anti Harassment Policy
- Caritas Internationalis - Children and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Policy
- Caritas Norway - Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment Policy
- Caritas Norway – Anti-Corruption and Anti-Fraud Policy
- Caritas Norway – Policy on Gender Equality
- Caritas Norway - Disability Inclusion Policy
- Caritas Norway – Policy on Climate Change and Environment
In addition, we are committed to following international conventions, principles and standards such as
We have zero tolerance for all forms of corruption, misconduct and abuse of power in our own organization and among our partners. We work continuously to strengthen and improve our control and whistleblowing procedures. Our anti-corruption policy is aimed at employees, volunteers and everyone who represents Caritas in various ways. It also applies to partners, individual employees in partner organizations and suppliers.
Caritas works in countries characterized by corruption and economic instability. The solution is not to withdraw, but to support and strengthen local forces working to eliminate corruption and create development.
- Avoid situations and relationships where corruption may be suspected.
- Prevent corruption through clear rules, employee training and transparency in the administration, as well as paying attention to irregularities.
- Promote zero tolerance and eradication of corruption.
- Require managers to promote anti-corruption at all levels and consistently sanction cases of corruption and irregularities.
Everyone associated with Caritas Norway is obliged to comply with Caritas Norway's ethical standards. Separate guidelines have been drawn up for our anti-corruption work, which our partners and suppliers are obliged to comply with. All employees are obliged to immediately report any suspicion or violation of Caritas Norway's ethical standards.
Vi jobber kontinuerlig med å styrke våre rutiner for kontroll og varsling samt forebygge og avsløre korrupsjon, misbruk og overgrep. Alle som opplever kritikkverdige forhold, eller har mistanke om dette, oppfordres til å varsle. Dersom problemene ikke kan løses gjennom dialog internt hos Caritas Norge, kan et varsel sendes til vår digitale varslingskanal – Caritas Ekstern varsling .
Et varsel går til generalsekretær i Caritas Norge og behandles av en varslingsgruppe.
Les mer om Caritas Norges varslingsrutiner her.
Collected and allocated funds are managed according to strict requirements from Norwegian authorities and international accounting and auditing standards. Caritas is a member of Innsamlingskontrollen and registered in the Fundraising Register. Organizations that are approved as members undertake to submit to external control and follow specific accounting rules and ethical guidelines for fundraising.
Caritas Norway is covered by the Transparency Act and reports on this in accordance with the "Act on business transparency and work with fundamental human rights and decent working conditions". The Transparency Act is intended to promote respect for human rights and ensure decent working conditions, and to provide the public with access to information.
The duty to provide information came into force on July 1, 2022. This means that anyone can demand information about how Caritas Norway handles actual and potential negative consequences.
Violations or possible violations of human rights, our ethical standards or indecent working conditions in Caritas Norway, with our partners or suppliers can be reported via Caritas Norway's whistleblowing channel.