Tax deductions

All gifts totaling between NOK 500 and NOK 25,000 are eligible for a tax deduction.

The maximum amount of NOK 25,000 applies to total contributions to all tax-deductible organizations.

To ensure that you receive the tax deduction on your annual tax return, we must have your national identity number by January 15, the year after you make the gift. We will send a report to the Directorate of Taxes and the value of the gift will automatically be deducted from the tax calculation in your tax return.

Conditions for tax deductions

In order for your gift to Caritas to be eligible for a tax deduction, you must

  • The gift must be a monetary amount of at least NOK 500 in total during the income year.
  • Caritas Norway get your national identity number.
  • The organization must be on the Norwegian Tax Administration's list of approved organizations for gift deductions. This is Caritas Norway.
  • The gift must be in Caritas Norway's account by December 31st of the year to which the tax deduction applies.

If you have not done so before, we advise you to give us your national identity number by phone 23 33 43 60.

For spouses who have donated more than NOK 25,000

In the case of tax deductions for donations to voluntary organizations, spouses are treated jointly, and this has consequences for the completion of the tax return.

If one spouse has donated more than NOK 25,000 to Caritas Norway in the course of a year, the total amount can be entered (up to NOK 50,000), but then divided between the spouses. This assumes that Caritas Norway reports the amounts electronically to the tax authorities together with both spouses' national identity numbers. Please let us know your name, address, national identity numbers and amounts by January 15.

After this time, it is also possible to submit to us. We will then send a notification of change to the tax authorities. This will not appear on your tax return, but will result in an adjustment to your tax arrears/refund in the tax assessment in June or September. Do you have any questions? Please contact us via the form below.

We thank you for all donations and can promise that your contribution makes a big difference for the world's poor!

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