Showing 131 - 140 of 150 results
    • Gaza needs more than emergency response from air and sea

      In addition, everyone with influence must push for an end to the violence. Humanitarian actors can do little when the violence continues [...]

      Caritas-Gaza employee walks on a dirt road surrounded by ruins
    • New Secretary General of Caritas Norway

      Caritas is the Catholic Church's aid organization and has extensive international aid work against hunger and poverty and for peace and [...]

      Ingrid Rosendorf Joys
    • Norwegian training

      Language training is more organized training than a language café. Both are run by volunteers and are not certified language courses. Language training often uses [...].

    • Norwegian training

      Language training is more organized training than a language café. Both are run by volunteers and are not certified language courses. Language training often uses [...].

    • Caritas Tromsø and Svalbard

      Caritas Tromsø and Svalbard At our info center, we offer drop-in guidance and Norwegian courses. If you are an immigrant and looking for [...]

      The lady writes on a whiteboard while three others follow more.
    • Give a gift that saves lives

      Give a single gift Give a gift that saves lives! Right now, children and families affected by war need [...].

      Man carrying a sack of flour
    • Marta Bivand Erdal

      Marta Bivand Erdal is a migration researcher at PRIO - Institute for Peace Research, where she heads PRIO's Migration Center together with a colleague. [...]

    • Norwegian course A1

      The course is suitable for beginners in Norwegian. Participants are expected to do homework between course days and actively postpone [...]

    • Norwegian course A1

      The course is suitable for beginners in Norwegian. Participants are expected to do homework between course days and actively postpone [...]

    • Women's groups

      The women's group will be a weekly meeting place for women in similar life situations and a place to learn about Norwegian culture [...].
