Showing 121 - 130 of 150 results
    • Successful coffee project in Colombia

      For four years, together with Caritas Colombia and fertilizer producer Yara, ECOM and the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy (NIBIO), we have contributed [...].

      Coffee farmer in Colombia inspects his crop.
    • Got a respite in the tent of Caritas

      When Russian soldiers started marching into the city on the Black Sea, she realized that she had to get away. [...]

      Ukrainian female refugee holds her baby while talking to one of Caritas Poland's aid workers in the reception tent on the border.
    • Will guide newly arrived asylum seekers

      The assignment lasts for four years and was awarded following a tender competition between the Norwegian Organization for Asylum Seekers (NOAS), Norasondegruppen AS and [...].

      The entrance to the National Arrival Center at Råde
    • Causes


    • Notification

      Do you have something to report? If you experience or suspect that you are experiencing unacceptable conditions, we encourage you to [...].

    • Learn about life in Norway

      Learn about life in Norway Through enFASE, we offer experience and knowledge sharing among new immigrants. Coming to a [...]

      A group of newly arrived asylum seekers learn about life in Norway.
    • Course calendar

      Course calendar

    • Guide for newly arrived asylum seekers

      Guidance for newly arrived asylum seekers Since June 1, 2023, we have provided guidance to all newly arrived asylum seekers to Norway. [...]

      National arrival center
    • Summer campaign

      "Thank you that there are good people" My name is Barbara and I am 32 years old. I have a lot to be thankful for [...]

      Caritas The 2024 fasting campaign
    • Guidance and legal aid

      Free counseling and legal aid We offer free counseling and legal aid Monday to Thursday between 10-16. Those who visit the resource center, [...]

      Legal aid