Showing 91 - 100 of 150 results
    • Courses and activities

      Courses and activities We have a range of courses and activities to help you integrate in Norway. Here [...]

    • Uncertain future in Mali

      The UN Security Council recently tried to impose new international sanctions on Mali, which Russia and China prevented. They were to come in [...]

      Women and children gathered at a water pump in Mali.
    • Dreams of becoming a math teacher

      - The mine is a two-hour walk from here. We walked on foot and hardly ate. Just some small fish and manioc [...]

      Young boys at school in DR Congo, after being rescued from dangerous mining work.
    • Strong impressions on the border

      - I'm so incredibly impressed by how resilient they are, that they don't break down after all they've [...].

      Natasza Bogacz distributes sweets to children who have fled the war in Ukraine and crossed the border into Poland.
    • Language must be prioritized!

      Lack of Norwegian language skills has major individual and societal costs. It makes it more difficult to participate fully in working and social life, and [...]

      A pen writing in a notebook
    • Caritas Stavanger

      Caritas Stavanger With us, refugees and immigrants can get free counseling in different languages. Get in touch to make an [...].

      The premises of Caritas Stavanger
    • Caritas Trondheim

      Caritas Trondheim With us, immigrants can get free guidance at the Resource Center Monday to Friday between 10 am and 3 pm. Caritas [...]

      The lady writes on a whiteboard while three others follow more.
    • Caritas Condemns attack on Odessa

      - Caritas condemns the devastating rocket attack in Odessa and calls for international support, says Alexander Røskestad, country representative for Caritas Norway. [...]

      Man wandering the streets of Odessa
    • Front page

      Become a volunteer! Do you want to make an effort for others? As a volunteer at Caritas , you will gain work experience that can be put to [...]

    • Queen Sonja met with refugees

      The Queen also received a briefing on the work Caritas is doing in Ukraine, neighboring countries and in Norway for the refugees who are arriving. Queen [...]

      Queen Sonja meeting with refugees from Ukraine at Caritas Ressurssenter.