Contribute to the fight against hunger, poverty
and exclusion

Support the work of Caritas

One of the best things you can do to fight hunger, poverty and exclusion is to be a regular donor to an organization you trust and that works for a better world.

As a regular donor to Caritas Norway, you help save and transform lives. You empower people to build a better life for themselves, their families and their communities.

Female smallholder farmer in Uganda shows off the tomatoes she has grown

Become a regular donor!

Together, we help people in vulnerable situations by:

  • Ensure climate-smart solutions that increase food production for the very poorest.
    A world without hunger is possible!
  • Be quick with emergency response when disasters strike. We are there before, during and after crises!
  • Provide refugees and immigrants in Norway with language training, guidance and other assistance.

With your support, we can help even more people. Thank you so much!

Gift account: 8200 01 93433

What does the money go to: