The road into Norwegian working life

The lady writes on a whiteboard while three others follow more.

Through the JOBBFOKUS program, Caritas helps highly educated immigrants into Norwegian working life. In 2021, 39 participants found paid work.

- When you move to a new country, you are faced with a number of unfamiliar norms and unwritten rules that make it extra challenging to enter the labor market.

project advisor Maria Langås

Together with business contact Finn Børre Ekås, she runs one of the latest job-oriented services at Caritas, namely JOBBFOKUS. Through this offer, Caritas wants to help job seekers who are new to Norway get tools that make them better equipped to succeed.

Unused resources

- It is a loss both for the individual and for society if we don't give these people a chance to contribute. These are people who are ready to participate in working life. Unfortunately, many find it difficult to get a job where they can use their professional skills.

business contact Finn Børre Ekås

Tools for success

Over the course of eight weeks, JOBBFOKUS participants learn how to write a good application and CV, how to build networks, typical features of Norwegian working life culture, and receive practical interview training. All participants have a higher education, live in the Oslo area and have an immigrant background.

- For many of the participants, the support and motivation they receive from each other is also incredibly important. "Several have been job seekers for a long time, so it's good to know that you're not alone.

project advisor Maria Langås

- JOBBFOKUS is designed to give them that little bit extra to succeed in landing their dream job. Participants are invited to seminars with recruitment managers in various companies and organizations. In addition, we offer mentors to the participants. These are volunteers who often work in the same field as the participants and who, by sharing their Norwegian work experience, are important supporters.

business contact Finn Børre Ekås

Popular offer

In 2021, 113 people completed JOBBFOKUS and 39 of the participants found paid employment. So far, 70 people have completed the course in 2022.

- It is gratifying to see that we are reaching so many people and that JOBBFOKUS can help make working life more diverse and inclusive.

business contact Finn Børre Ekås