Showing 41 - 50 of 150 results
    • Must act now to save lives

      The countries with the most precarious situation are Afghanistan, Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, Burkino Faso, Haiti, Mali and Sudan. Key reasons are [...]

      A woman cooks dinner for her family in the Central African Republic.
    • Excluded from Norwegian welfare benefits

      One of them is Romanian Marina, who tells her story in the book "The insignificant ones" by Vilde Fastvold. Four days before [...]

      Two workers in orange overalls and yellow hard hats work on laying rebar at a construction site.
    • Faith and hope for peace

      Sustainable peace is not achievable without addressing the root causes of conflict, such as poverty, inequality, and lack of [...]

      Colombian flag with the word PAZ on it
    • Working to preserve the forest in the Amazon

      She recently visited Caquetá together with representatives from Norad, the Norwegian Embassy and Caritas Colombia. The purpose was to see results [...]

      A male participant in a forest conservation project in Colombia talks about the work of representatives from Norad and the Norwegian Embassy in Colombia.
    • - I'm looking forward to a "real" meal

      Anasthasie, a mother of three, goes from stall to stall, checking out clothes, food and household items. She greets [...]

      GOELAMON Anasthasie is one of the beneficiaries of the Caritas-funded project Emergency Food Security and Agricultural Assistance
    • About us

      About Caritas Norway We are a humanitarian organization that works to improve the everyday lives of people in Norway, as well as countries [...].

      Volunteer talks to visitors at Caritas Ressurssenter i Oslo
    • Small farmers are the salvation

      Russia and Ukraine produce more than half of the world's sunflower oil. They are also major producers of wheat, barley, rye, corn and [...].

      Female smallholder farmer in DR Congo.
    • Requesting urgent action

      While the world's attention is focused on the war in Ukraine, millions of people in Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali, Nigeria, South Sudan, [...]...

      Boy carries jug of water on his head
    • The UN must stop and prevent hunger crises

      Caritas is among the 238 organizations that have signed an open letter calling for immediate action to stop [...].

      Uganda: Young woman stands in her field with the bull she has invested in.
    • Ethics and anti-corruption

      Ethics and anti-corruption Transparency, accountability and zero tolerance for corruption are fundamental principles in our work. The common denominator for all work Caritas [...]
