Showing 71 - 80 of 150 results
    • emergency response

      As one of the world's largest humanitarian networks, Caritas has aid workers in more than 200 countries. They work tirelessly to [...].

      Aid worker in Ukraine
    • The road into Norwegian working life

      - When you move to a new country, you are faced with a number of unfamiliar norms and unwritten rules, such as [...].

      The lady writes on a whiteboard while three others follow more.
    • Want to prevent social dumping

      The government recently launched an action plan against social dumping and labor market crime - it contains good measures, but we miss some that [...].

      Two workers in yellow PPE working on a construction site
    • Stepping up efforts in Ukraine

      On Christmas Eve, it will be ten months since the war started, and it doesn't look like it will end [...].

      An elderly woman wheels away boxes of food and other equipment funded with support from Caritas Norway.
    • Putting your life on the line in aid work

      This is according to figures from Humanitarian Outcomes. While there has been a decrease in the number of attacks against aid workers, the number of kidnappings [...].

      Female aid worker in Caritas Mali visits camp for internally displaced people
    • Worked for months without pay

      Santiago came to Norway in November 2022 with one of his Argentinian friends. In December, he started working [...].

    • Colombia: Local elections test peace deal

      So far, the conflicts between the country's many armed groups have not ceased, and the population is bearing the humanitarian consequences. A new report [...]

      Colombian flag with the word PAZ on it
    • Caritas Bergen

      Caritas Bergen With us, migrant workers can get free guidance in their native language. At the Resource Center in Sigurdsgate 8, you can get [...]

      The lady writes on a whiteboard while three others follow more.
    • Has become self-sufficient with food

      Selling home-grown vegetables has enabled Issatheen to buy more agricultural land, and now he is focusing on [...].

      An elderly man in Sri Lanka shows different eggs in two plastic bowls.
    • Local roots and cohesion

      The fact that they have 70 regional offices across the country and many volunteers has made it possible to respond quickly. [...]

      Director Vyacheslav Grynevych of Caritas Spes holds an elderly woman in Eastern Ukraine.