Want to prevent social dumping

Two workers in yellow PPE working on a construction site

At the parliamentary hearing on the national budget, we asked the Labor and Social Affairs Committee to ensure several preventive measures against social dumping and labor market crime, including a national telephone service about Norwegian working life in several languages.

The government recently launched an action plan against social dumping and labor market crime.

- It contains good measures, but we miss some that deal specifically with prevention. We also believe that civil society should be given a stronger role in the work to combat exploitation in the workplace.

Martha Skretteberg, Secretary General of Caritas Norway

Knowledge of Norwegian

Caritas works nationwide and in a targeted manner to uncover and identify cases of exploitation in the workplace. Of those who visit our Resource Center, 75% are migrant workers from EEA countries. Last year, we uncovered over 200 cases of exploitation, four of which were possible cases of human trafficking. The people we help often have one thing in common - a lack of Norwegian language skills.

- To reduce the risk of social dumping and labor market crime, preventive information work in different languages is very important.

martha skretteberg, secretary general of caritas norway

Building trust

In this work, it is essential to strengthen the trust between vulnerable employees and the Norwegian authorities.

- By increasing trust in, and understanding of, Norwegian working life, we can contribute to increased unionization. And that more people cooperate with public authorities and control agencies if they experience exploitation in the workplace.

martha skretteberg, secretary general of caritas norway

In this connection, we ask the Storting to support the establishment of a national telephone service about Norwegian working life in different languages. The Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority already operates a telephone service that could be expanded to provide information and guidance in several languages.

Another measure we support is taken from the Hurdal platform, and involves the establishment of regional centers for migrant workers in collaboration with the social partners and civil society.

- Such an offer will strengthen migrant workers' Norwegian language skills, increase their understanding of Norwegian working life and strengthen support for organized working life.

Martha Skretteberg, Secretary General of Caritas Norway

Furthermore, she urged the committee to allocate earmarked resources to civil society related to the action plan against social dumping and labor market crime.

- The non-profit sector will and can play an important role in preventive work, by disseminating information and following up particularly vulnerable groups.

martha skretteberg, secretary general caritas norway